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Beyond Limitations — The Power of Conscious Co-Creation

Awakening: Fulfilling Your Soul’s Purpose on Earth — Ping Li

When you become “consciously aware of getting into the meditative state wherever you go and whatever you do during the day” … you are able, with a quiet mind and emotions to be fully present from moment to moment … “When you reach the state of mind that is totally quiet at all times … you awaken the voice of your soul” and “become pure awareness, pure potentiality and pure love.”

“I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as perennial “victim” to my new position as co-creator of my destiny.”

Beyond Limitations: The Power of Conscious Co-Creation, which is channeled information from an angelic source called Alariel,  provides new understandings of the “mystery” of who we are, and offers an answer answer to the question, “How do we create our own reality?”

 Blessings  for an e-mail, of a week or so ago, entitled Transcend Your Limitations to Create Anything, which introduced me to the book Beyond Limitations — The Power of Conscious Co-Creation.  in which cites the channeled words of Angel Alariel as follows:


“The whole process of living on the Earth is teaching you to master your limitations, and move on into much higher frequencies of consciousness and being. When a thing seems impossible, remember that it’s only impossible on your present level of consciousness. By empowering your consciousness, you can push back the boundaries of the possible: If you can shift your consciousness onto a high enough level, and use the energies available at that level, there is nothing you cannot do.

“When you realize that, and start to live from that understanding, you will be able to transcend the limitations, which have restricted you for so long. This is all part of the process of waking up to who you are and accepting a new level of empowerment.

“’After many lifetimes in a veiled state, you have persuaded yourselves that you are beings with very little power, but the truth is very different: you are wise and powerful Beings of Light. When you attune to the Light, you begin to see that the only limitations in your life are those that you have control. And once created, these limitations only endure because you continue to accept them. If you stand strong in your own truth and deny their power over you, they will vanish like the morning mist at the rising of the sun.’”


This is right on-point with/in the spirit of the “conscious creation and beyond” which I mention in the header to this blog … and reminds me of Kirael/Kahu Fred’s Principles of Conscious Creation Methinks there is a spirit of synchronicity in the air …

It will be interesting to compare the words of Kahu Fred’s spirit guide Kirael with the Angelic being Alariel whose channeled words comprise Beyond Limitations — The Power of Conscious Co-Creation … It may be that Kirael/Kahu Fred give us more guidance as to the application of conscious creation or co-creation {with spirit} …

I put this out here for your understandings and for you use/integrate into your life as you wish … Interesting to me that I have just “found” this at a time when I have started to do the Reiki self-healing I mentioned in today’s post, Free Reiki Resources for Everyone.

Conscious Creation in This Time of Our Great Shift

I woke up this morning wondering what would allow me to have a real connection/with rapport with another being OR what allows me to (feel like I) have this with some … My attention went on to a bookmark on my desktop that I had not looked at for over a year … and I believe I was guided to the answer by finding Kahu Fred’s web site:

It feels to me that what allows me/one to feel wrapped in a peaceful angel-wing coat of life-force is the use of one or more of the Ten {perhaps innate to the soul} Principles …

Keys: Truth-Trust-Passion

Commitments: Clarity-Communication-Completion

Pillars: Prayer-Meditation-Sleepstate Programming-Masterminding

Although you or I may have integrated some (parts of) these Ten Principles into our lives as we have evolved on our journeys of what I like to call the “spiritual pathwork” of healing or ascending … I highly recommend looking over what Kirael, through Kahu Fred, has to say about these principles. 

On A (to me) Related Note: Your feelings are an expression of your soul

The Soul creates the future

Really, the only life lesson for you to learn is how to become conscious of your true nature … so that you may evolve, experience and expand spiritually. As is said in the Monroe Affirmation at, “Because I am more than physical matter, I can perceive that which is greater than the physical world.”

As Ping Li says in her book, Awakening: Fulfilling Your Soul’s Purpose on Earth

When you become “consciously aware of getting into the meditative state wherever you go and whatever you do during the day” … you are able, with a quiet mind and emotions to be fully present from moment to moment — I would think, much as true ThetaHealing practioners, Falun Gong practitoners or perhaps BodyTalk practitioners, some Sound Healers, and some Buddhist adepts, among others. It may indeed be, as Ping Li says, that “when you reach the state of mind that is totally quiet at all times, you become pure awareness, pure potentiality and pure love. You awaken the voice of your soul” …

Your mind records the past

“Your history is your biology” — Caroline Myss

“Feelings Buried Alive Never Die” — Karol Truman

Your body Experiences the past and present

Advance! {put forth by Scientology’s Advanced Organization of Los Angeles}Issue 210:

…”In some traditional areas of China when a person is at the point of death and his soul is supposed to already left his body, the patient’s coat is held up on a long bamboo stick while the priest tries, by various appeals,  to bring back the departed spirit first into the coat and then back into the body.”

What do you know 🙂 It may be that there was a reason I felt like I was wrapped in a peaceful angel-wing coat

On another related note: The Celestine Prophecy

The 11 Insights of the Celestine Prophecy from the books of James Redfield Summarized by Kathie Wallace with excerpts from James Redfield’s web site

Posted by Kathie Wallace on January 22, 2010 at {Celestine Prophecy}

Greetings and blessings, Kathie and James!


“1.When a CRITICAL MASS of people see life as a journey of unfolding, mysterious, and exciting synchronicities {Italicized by Theta Networker, as it is one of the most mentioned manifestations on this blog} that lead us forward and ask about the mystery, a series of insights will be revealed that will shift us.
:: Remember to live in the mystery of the synchronicitous world.

“2. THE LONGER NOW This awakening represents the creation of a new, more complete worldview, which replaces a five-hundred-year-old preoccupation with secular survival and comfort. While this technological preoccupation was an important step, our awakening to life’s {coincidences} is opening us up to the real purpose of human life on this planet and the real nature of our universe.
:: As we awake, we will create a new world view honouring the universe as energy and sacred [and conscious].

“3. A MATTER OF ENERGY We now experience that we live not in a material universe, but in a universe of dynamic energy. Everything extant is a field of sacred energy that we can sense and intuit. Moreover, we humans can project our energy by focusing our attention in the desired direction…where attention goes, energy flows…influencing other energy systems and increasing the pace of {coincidences} in our lives. The physical universe is actually a vast system of penetrating energy that responds to how we think. {See Gregg Braden’s Spontaneous Healing of Belief CDs — Theta Networker’s suggestion} It vibrates at a certain level. Unfocus the eyes to see the energy fields surrounding everything. {Italicized by Theta Networker– as I am one of those who is currently engaged in starting to feel into people’s auras/energy fields … and I heard of this same suggestion from a Lois Wetzel channeling of Archangel Gabriel, which you may find from her web site at}  … The new life view is that energy responds to how we think. Love … is about connecting with energy fields
:: … Love is connection…synchronicitous connection.]”


For Kathie’s complete summary of the 11 Insights of The Celestine Prophecy, please read her post.

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